The team are Celebrating! For the 7th Time, New Model Adviser Top 100.

The Rosebridge, and ProSport, team are celebrating!

For 7 consecutive years we have made it onto Citywire’s New Model Adviser Top 100 list, which celebrates the best of the professional financial planning community.

A word from the directors

“I am proud we have once again made it onto the prestigious Top 100 List of New Model Advisors. Being recognised as one of the best advice businesses in the country is testament to the dedication, expertise, and unwavering commitment of our team. We are grateful for the trust and support of our clients and team, whose success is our constant motivation. Fantastic news, great work team.” [Phil Rose, MSc, APFS, CEO Rosebridge]

“This continuous recognition reaffirms not only our belief in providing excellence in serving our clients’ but our dedication in supporting our team’s personal development. This is great news, and it validates our commitment to raising financial awareness and championing accessible financial education for all. Well done everyone”. [Gareth Griffith BSc (Hons), Dip PFS, ProSport]

Click the link to find out more about our accolades in financial services:

Citywire New Model Adviser Top 100 listing

“With £880m in assets under advice, Rosebridge has a focus on active management, outsourcing portfolio management to Asset Risk Consultants, Vanguard, Parmenion and several external consultants.

Understanding the importance of raising financial awareness, the team at Rosebridge hosts a weekly money advice session with the Open Door Charity and is developing a magazine for schools and universities to champion accessible financial education.

Rosebridge is proud of its track record of chartered status and encourages staff to take the extra steps to get there. Support is offered to staff at all levels, with three apprentices currently working towards their Level 4 qualifications.

The firm has taken a heads-on approach to ensuring longevity for the business by identifying unprofitable clients and disengaging over the past 10 years.” [BYNEW MODEL ADVISER TEAM]

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